The Beginning
Material Matcha Uji 宇治 is the story of Etienne and Morgan, two young French expats & foodies, living in Japan for years. Drained by the cold worlds of big finance & IT firms and in search of themselves, they went on an adventure to find and create the greatest Matcha Green Teas ever.
The Path to Uji
They went back to the “roots” of green tea in Japan : Uji, near Kyoto. Having become friends with secretive tea masters, the rare craftsmen able to select and blend tea leaves to exquisite heights of taste, they saw that a whole part of Japanese tea culture was fading: almost no-one bothered crafting high-quality Matcha anymore in modern Japan. “Impossible!”, they were told.
See why Uji’s terroir is unique

Impossible made Material
“Impossible is not French!” they thought, like any Frenchman would: they spent a whole year carefully learning, planning and experimenting with their tea master friends in order to re-create the long lost flavors, using ancient, uncompromising, and almost forgotten techniques of tea-making. And to make them available to the world, for the very first time.
See how we make our Matcha
MMU宇治, The Atelier
Foodies & entrepreneurs by heart, they made their vision come true and setup an Atelier, in order to be as close as possible to the fields, to strictly assess all steps of tea-making, to convince their farmer friends to always stick to traditional, reasonable methods, to always favor quality over quantity, and to craft the purest material ever. Material Matcha Uji 宇治 was born.

Pure Material
The result is a first series of three bold, over-the-top, never exported before blends of insanely good Matcha Green Teas that are designed to incorporate perfectly in modern life. Reconciling gourmet taste and purity in spirit, they pay a vibrant homage to Japanese minimalism and completely re-define tea ceremony as a modern, personal ritual.